Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What to Look for in a Great Personal Injury Lawyer

When involved in an accident that results in serious injuries, the first step for many is to seek legal counsel. But with thousands of lawyers to choose from — some less experienced or reputable than others — it’s important to take that step with care to ensure the success of your case.

IBISWorld data shows that there were more than 48,000 personal injury attorneys in the United States in 2023. In Ohio alone, nearly 17,000 lawyers take on injury-related cases, according to the Ohio Bar’s directory.

Clearly, if you want the best outcome for your case, you’ll need to choose carefully. When searching for an attorney, it’s crucial to do your due diligence as if your chances for compensation depend on it, as they very well may.

How to Find an Attorney

Researching personal injury law firms in your area may sound time-consuming, even overwhelming. However, it can often be as simple as making a few phone calls.

Referrals can come from many sources, such as family members or friends who have successfully won a case using a particular personal injury lawyer. Alternatively, you might have a friend or know a friend of a friend who practices law. Even if they don’t focus on personal injury, they may be able to make a recommendation.

Another good source — the best one for vetted lawyers — is a local American Bar Association referral service. Keep in mind, however, that such services may charge a fee.

While you might have seen personal injury lawyer ads on TV, online, or in print publications, it’s wise not to make advertising your only source. Some lawyers may be volume-driven and geared toward fast turnover rather than outcome-focused. A far better approach is to aim to gather three to five referrals from different sources.

What to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer

Once you’ve got a list, you can reach out to each firm and schedule a consultation, which most personal injury attorneys offer at no charge. Here are a few things to look for during your consultation:


To gauge a firm’s reputation, find out whether they’ve received awards, high rankings, or other industry recognition in the past. It’s also a good idea to search for reviews from previous clients.


Make sure that personal injuries are the firm’s primary practice area and that its attorneys have a track record for achieving favorable outcomes for their clients. Don’t be afraid to request examples of successful cases.

Depending on your needs, it may also be wise to verify that the firm has mediation or trial experience.


When interacting with a particular attorney, pay attention to their communication style. Did they welcome your questions? Were their explanations clear and knowledgeable? Did you sense sincerity in how they expressed concern for you and your case?

The answers to these questions may influence your rapport with a given lawyer, as well as their ability to be of service to you.

Your Decision Matters — Make It Count

If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t just settle on the first personal injury attorney you come across. Gather multiple recommendations, research the firms in detail, and meet with an attorney at each to get a sense of their personality and expertise.

By being proactive and taking the right steps, you can find an attorney who will prove to be a stalwart champion for your case.

Monday, June 24, 2024

What Should I Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

According to AAA, there’s a hit-and-run crash every 43 seconds in the United States. While being a proactive driver remains the best defense against these traumatic road events, knowing how to react when one occurs can minimize both physical and financial harm.

Fleeing the Scene of a Crash Is Against the Law

Fleeing an accident scene is illegal in all states. Ohio law not only prohibits running but also requires the at-fault vehicle owner to report the incident to police at the scene. If the accident takes a life, the runner can face stiff charges.

Despite the potential penalties, however, hit-and-run crashes happen frequently on U.S. roads. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that hit-and-run collisions accounted for 17% of all crashes in the U.S. in 2020. Data from the same year also revealed that fatalities from hit-and-run crashes increased by 26%.

7 Steps to Take After a Hit-and-Run Accident

If you’re involved in a hit-and-run, what you do in the moments following the crash will be crucial to preserving your safety and property, as well as the evidence you and your car accident attorney will need to build a claim for compensation. The following seven steps are the most critical:

1. Evaluate Your Situation

Did you or your passengers sustain injuries? Were there any fatalities? If the answer to either question is “yes,” call 911. The dispatcher will provide vital instructions and send paramedics to the scene. It’s imperative to seek prompt medical attention even if you don’t think your injuries are serious.

2. Move Your Vehicle Out of the Road

If your vehicle is driveable, move it off of the road to safety. If not, alert other drivers to the crash using hazard lights, flares, or warning triangles.

3. Call the Police

Summon law enforcement personnel will allow them to begin investigating the accident while key evidence and witnesses are still on the scene. The official police report the responding officer creates will also be vital to your insurance claim.

4. Take Notes

Record as many details as you can about the other vehicle, including the tag number, make and model, color and other distinguishing features, and visible damage. Also, note the date, time, and circumstances surrounding the crash.

5. Gather Photographic Evidence

Take photos or videos of the scene and any damage to your vehicle. If there are surveillance cameras in the area, ask the owner for footage of the crash. Police identify many runners this way.

6. Collect Witness Information

Jot down the names and phone numbers of any witnesses at the scene, whether other drivers who pulled over to assist, passing pedestrians, or employees of nearby businesses. Ask each person if they’d be willing to provide a statement to law enforcement.

7. Consult a Car Accident Lawyer

Hit-and-run cases can be complex. A qualified car accident attorney will understand the unique nuances of hit-and-run crashes, such as the applicable laws and the statute of limitations for filing a claim. They’ll also be able to negotiate with the insurance companies to maximize your eligible compensation.

Prepare for the Unexpected

No one expects a hit-and-run to happen to them. However, taking the proper steps to prepare for this type of traffic crash could prove essential to your well-being and ability to recover damages with the help of a car accident lawyer.