Monday, February 26, 2024

5 Excellent Reasons to Consult A Leading Car Accident Attorney

Be prepared.

It is a short motto that has relevance for a wide variety of reasons during our lifetimes. Being prepared has special relevance when it comes to car accidents, as the average person gets into four accidents during a lifetime. Preparation involves knowing the steps to take after a vehicle collision, which include calling 911, receiving medical care, obtaining the contact info of witnesses, and getting in touch with an experienced car accident attorney.

An experienced car accident lawyer should offer a free consultation to determine how to proceed with your case. Although a free case evaluation is a strong motivator to take action, what other reasons should motivate you to contact a personal injury lawyer who specializes in handling auto crash cases?

Let’s review five excellent reasons to consult a leading car accident attorney.

Conduct a Detailed Investigation

The best personal injury attorneys who specialize in car accident cases conduct detailed investigations that start with gathering and examining physical evidence. Photographs of the accident scene can help your attorney determine what caused the collision, as well as whether another party committed one or more acts of negligence. Photographs of the damage done to your vehicle can provide compelling physical evidence. Your lawyer also interviews witnesses who can describe what transpired before, during, and after the collision.

File an Insurance Claim

Filing an insurance claim is a straightforward process, but just one mistake can turn a claim that should be approved into a claim that comes back denied. An experienced car accident attorney ensures you fill out every box on the claim form with accurate information. Your lawyer also monitors the status of your claim to make sure it receives a review in a timely manner. If the insurance adjuster processing your claim denies it, an experienced vehicle collision lawyer helps you file an appeal

File a Lawsuit before the Deadline

Every state has established a deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit, with most states setting the statute of limitations between two and four years. Working with a car accident attorney ensures you file a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages before the expiration of the statute of limitations. If you fail to file a civil lawsuit before the expiration of the statute of limitations, the court clerk processing your case has the power to remove it from the judicial docket.

Represent You During Litigation

If you represent yourself during a civil trial, the odds of you winning the case substantially fall. A car accident lawyer understands the importance of presenting persuasive physical evidence during the discovery phase, which is the step when both sides share information to determine whether they can avoid a costly and time-consuming trial. Hiring an experienced auto crash attorney helps you present convincing legal arguments to counter the legal arguments presented by the legal team representing the defendant.

Negotiate a Settlement

Negotiating a favorable settlement can end the litigation process long before it ends when a judge or jury issues a decision. Your car accident attorney offers a reasonable value for compensation, which the other party either accepts or rejects. If the other party rejects the initial offer for compensation, several rounds of counter offers can follow until both sides agree to a settlement or decide to take the case to the trial phase of the litigation process. Negotiating a settlement also comes in handy when you file an insurance claim.

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