Saturday, December 26, 2020

Avoid Truck Accidents in Ohio

 According to the Ohio Department of Public Safety, one out of eight deadly automobile accidents in Ohio involves a large truck.  Motorists must be aware that semi-trucks have blind spots where they cannot see vehicles behind them. If you cannot see the mirror on the truck in front of you, they cannot see you. At least 35% of all fatal car crashes involving a truck occur because the driver of the car was in the blind spot. Additionally, the driver of the car is the one that initiates 70% of these types of car and truck accidents.

The No-Zone is considered to be the area around a semi truck where a vehicle either disappears into the blind spot or they are driving too close for the truck driver to be able to maneuver safely or stop in time to prevent an accident. Motorists who drive in a truck’s No-Zone area greatly increase their chances of an accident. 

Here are some tips to steer clear of any unsafe situations involving a tractor-trailer:

1) Passing - one of the biggest mistakes motorists make is cutting back in front of a truck after passing without maintaining enough speed. The area right in front of a truck is another No-Zone, because a truck requires a greater distance to stop then a car does due to their large size and weight. Do not pull in front of a semi unless you see the entire truck in your rearview mirror and make sure to maintain a consistent speed when passing.

2) Wide turns  - large trucks often need to make a wide turn because of their size. Be sure to give plenty of room as they cannot see cars directly beside or behind them.

3)  Backing up - large trucks sometimes need to block the street to maneuver a trailer when backing up. Never pass directly behind a truck that is in the process or preparing to back up.

4) Side blind spots - tractor-trailers have a much bigger blind spot on each side then vehicles do. If the driver must quickly change lanes or make an emergency maneuver they would not see a vehicle in their side blind spot which could cause a severe accident.

5) Rear blind spots - the area directly behind a tractor-trailer is a deep blind spot. Unlike cars, truck drivers cannot see what is directly behind them, thus tailgating behind a semi makes it impossible for the driver to see you. Avoid driving in any truck’s blind spots or No-Zone.

If you have been injured on Ohio’s roadways in an accident involving a tractor-trailer, you need an experienced personal injury or car accident attorney to protect your legal rights.

Schiff & Associates is a top car accident attorney in Ohio, recovering millions of dollars for clients in car accident and personal injury claims. We enlist the expertise of experienced truck accident investigators to uncover the evidence. Contact us if you have been injured in a car or truck accident in Ohio.

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