Friday, December 25, 2020

Concussions and Car Accidents: Know Your Rights

 A concussion is the most common form of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and is a frequent type of injury sustained in car accidents. A concussion may result when a hit or jolt to the head causes your brain to strike the inside of your skull.  This is a common occurrence during a car accident when a vehicle traveling with momentum is suddenly jolted to a stop.  A concussion can also occur from a slip and fall or personal injury.

Injuries from a concussion can range in severity and duration of symptoms. Severe TBI’s may cause long-term and even life-long effects. Post-concussion syndrome is a result of structural brain problems and could last months or years following a concussion. Automobile accidents and falls are the top causes of concussion in TBI hospitalizations according to the National Institutes of Health.

Symptoms of Concussion

Symptoms of a concussion may not immediately be apparent even after the shock of a car accident wears off.  Symptoms of a concussion can leave you feeling mild to extreme discomfort or with a feeling that something is just “off”. It is easy to dismiss these symptoms as shock from the crash or mild whiplash.  A concussion can pose delayed onset of symptoms which may not be apparent until hours or days following a car accident. 

Here are some of the typical signs that disorientation or a lingering headache may be something more serious like a concussion: 

Confusion - feeling confused or like your mind is in a fog following an accident is a sign that you should see your physician immediately.

Problems concentrating - finding it more difficult to concentrate on daily tasks is a symptom that should not be ignored. 

Problems with memory - difficulty recalling old memories or retaining new memories is another sign that you should seek medical attention.

Sleep problems - victims of car accidents who suffer a concussion often notice sleep disturbances and may be unable to get a good night’s sleep.

Irritability - many times, people that experience a concussion become more anxious, depressed or on edge. Changes in your mental health or behavior could be signs of a concussion.

Protect Your Rights with a Top Car Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident in Ohio, it is important to speak with a car accident attorney. Schiff & Associates has a long history of getting our clients the compensation they deserve following a personal injury or car accident injury. We thoroughly investigate the scene of an accident and consult with experienced accident investigators.

Schiff & Associates offers a free consultation and representation on a contingency basis, which means that you pay nothing unless we make a recovery for you. We protect your rights through skillful negotiation and courtroom litigation, whatever your case requires. Contact us if you have been injured in a car accident to speak with one of the top car accident lawyers in Ohio.

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